Apr 10, 2013
Here's what's trending on Twitter this week.

Madan Kumar @tharuketo

@narayanwagle दाइको 'लोकतन्त्रमा लोकमान' शीर्षक लेख मजाले सेयर भको रैछ http://
bit.ly/11FgzlP via @seto_pati pic.twitter.com/9X0hdBSbNt

07 Apr

लोकतन्त्रमा लोकमान

राजनीतिमा नीति र इमानदारी कति आवश्यक हुन्छ भन्ने दृष्टान्त खोज्न बाहिरी देशका उदाहरण लिनै पर्दैन । नेपालको आफ्नै भोगाइ पर्याप्त छन् । सिद्धान्तको कस...


Related tweets

Ankur Sharma @anqrs

Finally read an article by Ghanshyam Bhusal ekantipur.com/nep/2069/12/24… Another reason why I should not stop reading news and stay on twitter.

07 Apr

कसरी हुन्छ निर्वाचन ? कसरी बन्छ संविधान ?

श्रीमान खिलराज रेग्मीको सरकारले कात्तिक अन्त्य वा मंसिरको पहिलो...


Related tweets

Ananda K. Maharjan @aannda

#DeepPurple will go through hurricanes, earthquakes, riots, &all kinds of hazards just 2 get there $ dothe show - but metalhammer.co.uk/news/deep-purp…

08 Apr

Deep Purple Explain Nepal No-Show

Ian Gillan says Deep Purple were forced to cancel after "every promise from promoter was broken"


Related tweets

Jhaluck PauDell @bichaari

तपैँ पनि रक्तदाता बन्न सक्नुहुन्छ । आजै जहाँ हुनुहुन्छ, तेहिँबाट ईन्ट्रि हुनुहोस । छरछिमेकलाई पनि सुनाउनुहोस hamroblood.org

07 Apr

Nepal's largest Voluntary Blood Donor Community

An Online Database of VOLUNTARY BLOOD DONORS COMMUNITY in Nepal, is a social initiative of SANKALPA-"Committed for a Better Society" which stores the electronic details of several people from different walks of life…


Related tweets

Aakar Anil @aakarpost

एकजमानाथ्यो, उ र म एउटै थियौँ । अहिले म पहाडे बाहुन भएँ, उ जनजाती भयो ।

09 Apr



Stuti Basnyet @Sbasnyet

ChoriMaiya's daughters hav knocked every door to find their mother 4 over a year+ now. Today, police beat them at #OccupyBaluwatar #Insane

09 Apr



PHALANO™ @phalano

वालुवाटार प्रेतात्माको मुटुमा पनि ढ्याङ्ग्रो बज्दो रहेछ ।
'आमा आमा' कराउँदै हिंडेका छोराछोरीलाई झ्यापझूप पारेछ । #occupybaluwatar @ShareThis

09 Apr



Bhabasagar @bhabasagar

अचम्म छ, भ्रष्ट्राचारीलाई अख्तियार प्रमुख बनाउने कि नबनाउने ? अपराधीलाई चुनावमा उठ्न दिने कि नदिने ? यस्तो वाइयात विषयमा छलफल चल्छ देशमा ।

09 Apr



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