Nov 17, 2010
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Box's latest and greatest
Going Mobile: The iPad Campaign Finale
Earlier this summer, we set out to learn what a business could do with Box and the iPad. We gave D7 Consulting twenty iPads and a year of Box to find out and learned some amazing things along the way. Watch what D7 has to say and hear how other customers use Box and the iPad. Going Mobile: The iPad Campaign Finale
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Box Community: Get Help, Speak Up
Want to ask us or a fellow user how to do something? Have an idea for a new feature? Check out Box Community, a place where users can share product suggestions and help each other out. Box's very own engineers, product managers and support leads will be surfing the forums too, so it should be a great resource for everyone. Box Community: Get Help, Speak Up
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DocuSign: E-Sign Your Documents
Need to get signatures for a document? Get them quickly and easily with e-signatures from DocuSign. You can also track the status of documents you've sent for signature, giving you visibility from start to finish. DocuSign: E-Sign Your Documents
Use DocuSign with Box >
Sharing Box customer stories
Replacing FTP: A Healthy Decision
Eveo provides e-marketing solutions to leading pharmaceutical and healthcare companies. Sharing large files with FTP and an extranet wasn't secure, lacked tracking capabilities and was just plain hard to use. Eveo's Director of IT talks about how Box solved all that and more. Replacing FTP: A Healthy Decision
Watch the video >
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"I don't have to worry about having a redundant server up, backups...or anything like that. All of that is taken care of for me and that's a big load off my mind."
– James Bambauer, Eveo
We're growing!
A hearty welcome to a few of our newest customers:
Cleveland Golf
Bigger Box
We're rolling out more storage to all customers. Stay tuned!
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Good reading
Building the Simple Enterprise
Box Expands Capacity & Services
IT Needs to Get Consumerized
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Upcoming events
Dreamforce 2010
San Francisco, Dec. 6-9
Attend CEO Aaron Levie's session with Pandora, 12/7 at 5:15 PM. Don't forget to stop by the Box booth!
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