Oct 19, 2010

Greetings from Podbean!

Podbean.com Podcast hosting, social subscribing

Dear audiocafe,

It's been a while since our last newsletter! We hope you've been having a great time with all of your podcasting endeavors and are enjoying the site! We really want to thank you for all of your support! Because of you we are currently at more than 300,000 members, over a million podcast episodes, and almost 100,000,000 hits to Podbean.com! It's been a great year here at Podbean and we've been hard at work to bring you some exciting updates and are thrilled to finally be able to announce them to you!

Support HTML5

First, we have updated our media to be played through HTML5. This means you can now play all of your podcasts on your iPhone, iPad, or other web-enabled mobile device from the main site, no flash player needed! Additionally, if your computer has a web broswer without Flash, you're covered! This update applies to all Podbean sites, including your individual sites, so make sure to update your friends and listeners about this exciting new feature!.

Add Three New Themes 

We've also added three great new themes! One is called i3Theme and is an eye-catching but pleasant, blue Mac OSX inspired theme with three columns. Our other addition, zBench, combines simplicity and style in one clean, modern theme with two columns. Our newest theme is Rihanna, which is basic, clean, and versatile. You can get more information about these at http://news.podbean.com, but make sure to check them out first hand!

Ads Platform (coming soon)

Upcoming next is the new advertising platform that gives you great chances to earn revenue from your podcasts. Always check back at www.podbean.com to make sure you're one of the first to take advantage of this exciting new opportunity!



The Podbean Team


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