Apr 8, 2010

नेपाली ध्वनि रङ्गमञ्च

Experimental Audio Drama

Posted: 08 Apr 2010 03:35 AM PDT

Granny sitting by the fireside surrounded by little kids is an image deep rooted in our mind. We ourselves have enjoyed the old time stories by grandma or grandpa several times. The 'once upon a time…' stories carry moral theme and interesting plot to draw attention of the kids. Even today, storytelling is a popular form of moral education though the mode and pattern have changed.
Today, mass media has replaced most traditional practices and implied similar modules of social and cultural life style in media productions which make it more realistic and acceptable. Dramatization is the most effective mode of mass communication for it uses local language and style of the targeted audience to transmit the message. Dinesh Khanna in his compilation "Abhinaya Chintan" writes that Eastern and Western drama both had begun to give ethical and moral directions to humankind. Artists through the characters reach the audience. Audience keep themselves at the place of characters and move along with them. The drama that could create empathy in audience is the most effective one.
Children are the most curious beings; they ask questions and learn things. If we fail to answer them properly or if we ignore them their faith on us fades away. Drama is the easy means of socialization as were the stories told by our guardians. Moral lessons sound boring if we lecture but soothing if dramatized. Well told stories and well presented dramas not only draw attention but result to the implementation as well.
Nepali Audio Theatre is working on Experimental Audio Drama. Experimental audio drama is the dramatized version of the stories once we read or heard in our childhood. Keep on with Nepali Audio Theatre on your browser and share any stories or drama if you have. Your creativity and effort is credited. Thank you!


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